Criterion February 3, 1988; removed November 7, 1996. For the purposes of this diagnostic code, chronic urticaria is defined as continuous urticaria at least twice per week, off treatment, for a period of six weeks or more. For the purposes of this diagnostic code, chronic urticaria is defined as continuous urticaria at least twice per week, off treatment, for a period of six weeks or more, Chronic refractory urticaria that requires third line treatment for control (e.g., plasmapheresis, immunotherapy, immunosuppressives) due to ineffectiveness with first and second line treatments, Chronic urticaria that requires second line treatment (e.g., corticosteroids, sympathomimetics, leukotriene inhibitors, neutrophil inhibitors, thyroid hormone) for control, Chronic urticaria that requires first line treatment (antihistamines) for control, Persistent documented vasculitis episodes refractory to continuous immunosuppressive therapy, Recurrent documented vasculitic episodes occurring four or more times over the past 12-month period; and, Requiring intermittent systemic immunosuppressive therapy for control, Recurrent documented vasculitic episodes occurring one to three times over the past 12-month period, and requiring intermittent systemic immunosuppressive therapy for control; or, Without recurrent documented vasculitic episodes but requiring continuous systemic medication for control, Or rate as disfigurement of the head, face, or neck (DC 7800) or scars (DCs 7801, 7802, 7804, or 7805), depending upon the predominant disability. 5164 Not improvable by prosthesis controlled by natural knee action. [29 FR 6718, May 22, 1964, as amended at 61 FR 52700, Oct. 8, 1996]. What are ear disabilities for VA rating purposes? Note (1): Evaluate cor pulmonale, which is a form of secondary heart disease, as part of the pulmonary condition that causes it. 18, 1976; 41 FR 34256, Aug. 13, 1976; 54 FR 4281, Jan. 30, 1989; 54 FR 34981, Aug. 23, 1989; 71 FR 28586, May 17, 2006; 79 FR 2100, Jan. 13, 2014]. Examples of findings that might be seen at this level of impairment are: marked fatigability, blurred or double vision, headaches requiring rest periods during most days. Note (2): If disfigurement of the neck is present due to thyroid disease or enlargement, separately evaluate under DC 7800 (burn scar(s) of the head, face, or neck; scar(s) of the head, face, or neck due to other causes; or other disfigurement of the head, face, or neck). The Ear is one of the most unique sensory organs in the human body. 7000 Valvular heart disease (including rheumatic heart disease), During active infection with cardiac involvement and for three months following cessation of therapy for the active infection. (b) When evaluating the level of disability from a mental disorder, the rating agency will consider the extent of social impairment, but shall not assign an evaluation solely on the basis of social impairment. Appendix A to Part 4 - Table of Amendments and Effective Dates Since 1946, Appendix B to Part 4 - Numerical Index of Disabilities, Appendix C to Part 4 - Alphabetical Index of Disabilities, Unstabilized condition with severe disability -, Substantially gainful employment is not feasible or advisable, Unhealed or incompletely healed wounds or injuries -, Material impairment of employability likely. How to Get a 100 Percent VA Rating (if deserved)! Criterion February 3, 1988; criterion November 7, 1996; Removed August 4, 2014. For the purpose of rating disability from arthritis, the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle are considered major joints; multiple involvements of the interphalangeal, metacarpal and carpal joints of the upper extremities, the interphalangeal, metatarsal and tarsal joints of the lower extremities, the cervical vertebrae, the dorsal vertebrae, and the lumbar vertebrae, are considered groups of minor joints, ratable on a parity with major joints. 9900 Maxilla or mandible, chronic osteomyelitis, osteonecrosis, or osteoradionecrosis of. Evaluate cognitive impairment under the table titled Evaluation of Cognitive Impairment and Other Residuals of TBI Not Otherwise Classified., Subjective symptoms may be the only residual of TBI or may be associated with cognitive impairment or other areas of dysfunction. When the examiner indicates that additional testing is necessary to evaluate visual fields, the additional testing must be conducted using either a tangent screen or a 30-degree threshold visual field with the Goldmann III stimulus size. During and for three months following myocardial infarction, confirmed by laboratory tests. 6025 Disorders of the lacrimal apparatus (epiphora, dacrocystitis, etc.). The osseous abnormalities incident to trauma or disease, such as malunion with deformity throwing abnormal stress upon, and causing malalignment of joint surfaces, should be depicted from study and observation of all available data, beginning with inception of injury or disease, its nature, degree of prostration, treatment and duration of convalescence, and progress of recovery with development of permanent residuals. The seizure manifestations of psychomotor epilepsy vary from patient to patient and in the same patient from seizure to seizure. 5012 Bones, neoplasm, malignant, primary or secondary. (d) Special provisions for the application of evaluation criteria for diagnostic codes 6600, 6603, 6604, 6825-6833, and 6840-6845. Evaluation February 17, 1994; removed November 14, 2021. 7615 Ovary, disease, injury, or adhesions of. Get up to $3,345 per month. By Lorraine 5314 Group XIV Function: Extension of knee. 7719 Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) (chronic myeloid leukemia or chronic granulocytic leukemia): Requiring peripheral blood or bone marrow stem cell transplant, or continuous myelosuppressive or immunosuppressive therapy treatment, Requiring intermittent myelosuppressive therapy, or molecularly targeted therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, or interferon treatment when not in apparent remission, In apparent remission on continuous molecularly targeted therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, Requiring intravenous iron infusions 4 or more times per 12-month period, Requiring intravenous iron infusions at least 1 time but less than 4 times per 12-month period, or requiring continuous treatment with oral supplementation, Asymptomatic or requiring treatment only by dietary modification, Requiring continuous treatment with high-dose oral supplementation, For initial diagnosis requiring transfusion due to severe anemia, or if there are signs or symptoms related to central nervous system impairment, such as encephalopathy, myelopathy, or severe peripheral neuropathy, requiring parenteral B, Requiring continuous treatment with Vitamin B, Requiring a bone marrow transplant or continuous intravenous or immunosuppressive therapy (e.g., prednisone, Cytoxan, azathioprine, or rituximab), Requiring immunosuppressive medication 4 or more times per 12-month period, Requiring at least 2 but less than 4 courses of immunosuppressive therapy per 12-month period, Requiring one course of immunosuppressive therapy per 12-month period, Solitary plasmacytoma, when there is active disease or during a treatment phase, Requiring peripheral blood or bone marrow stem cell transplant; or requiring chemotherapy, Requiring 4 or more blood or platelet transfusions per 12-month period; or infections requiring hospitalization 3 or more times per 12-month period, Requiring at least 1 but no more than 3 blood or platelet transfusions per 12-month period; infections requiring hospitalization at least 1 but no more than 2 times per 12-month period; or requiring biologic therapy on an ongoing basis or erythropoiesis stimulating agent (ESA) for 12 weeks or less per 12-month period. (ii) History and complaint. If youre stuck, frustrated, underrated, and currently rated between 0%-90%, VA Claims Insider Elite is for you! The most trusted name in education-based resources for Veterans. The exam aims to gather more information about your shoulder condition and how it affects your daily life. 18, 1976; 43 FR 45362, Oct. 2, 1978; 54 FR 4282, Jan. 30, 1989; 54 FR 49755, Dec. 1, 1989; 55 FR 154, Jan. 3, 1990; 56 FR 51653, Oct. 15, 1991; 57 FR 24364, June 9, 1992; 70 FR 75399, Dec. 20, 2005; 73 FR 54705, Sept. 23, 2008; 73 FR 69554, Nov. 19, 2008; 76 FR 78824, Dec. 20, 2011; 79 FR 2100, Jan. 13, 2014]. Each of these areas of dysfunction may require evaluation. 9435 Unspecified depressive disorder. 5272 Subastragalar or tarsal joint, ankylosis of: 5273 Os calcis or astragalus, malunion of: 5275 Bones, of the lower extremity, shortening of: No relief from both non-surgical and surgical treatment, bilateral, No relief from both non-surgical and surgical treatment, unilateral, Pronounced; marked pronation, extreme tenderness of plantar surfaces of the feet, marked inward displacement and severe spasm of the tendo achillis on manipulation, not improved by orthopedic shoes or appliances. 5310 Group X Function: Movement of forefoot and toes. 7617 Uterus and both ovaries, removal. He is aformer active duty Air Force officerwith extensive experience leading hundreds of individuals and multi-functional teams in challenging international environments, including a combat tour to Afghanistan in 2011 supporting Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) (chronic myeloid leukemia or chronic granulocytic leukemia). However, the total rating during the 1-year period for the pulmonary or for the nonpulmonary condition will be utilized, combined with evaluation for residuals of the condition not covered by the 1-year total evaluation, so as to allow any additional benefit provided during such period. Note: Evaluate syphilitic aortic aneurysms under DC 7110 (Aortic aneurysm: Ascending, thoracic, abdominal). Anterior crural nerve (femoral), paralysis. Rate any residual disability of infection within the appropriate body system. The Office of the Federal Register publishes documents on behalf of Federal agencies but does not have any authority over their programs. Of the five main senses, eyesight is used and relied upon the most. 8729 Neuralgia, external cutaneous nerve of thigh. 6330 Campylobacter jejuni infection. Complete medical examination of injury cases. Evaluation July 6, 1950; criterion March 10, 1976. 5221 Four digits of one hand, favorable ankylosis of: 5222 Three digits of one hand, favorable ankylosis of: 5223 Two digits of one hand, favorable ankylosis of: 5227 Ring or little finger, ankylosis of: With a gap of more than two inches (5.1 cm.) Neuritis, musculocutaneous (superficial peroneal) nerve. 6832 Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, anthracosis, etc.). Introduction paragraph revised March 10, 1976. For application in rating cases in which the protective provisions of Pub. 6504 Nose, loss of part of, or scars(or evaluate as DC 7800, scars, disfiguring, head, face, or neck). Knee, resurfacing or replacement (prosthesis). Motor activity mildly decreased or with moderate slowing due to apraxia. (iii) Objective findings. 11, 1969; 40 FR 42540, Sept. 15, 1975; 41 FR 11301, Mar. 8726 Neuralgia, anterior crural nerve (femoral). 8526 Anterior crural nerve (femoral), paralysis. user convenience only and is not intended to alter agency intent Subject to the provisions of 38 CFR 3.383(a), if visual impairment of only one eye is service-connected, the visual acuity of the other eye will be considered to be 20/40 for purposes of evaluating the service-connected visual impairment. 9326 Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition or substance/medication-induced major or mild neurocognitive disorder. 7610 Vulva or clitoris, disease or injury of (including vulvovaginitis). (3) In any case where the examiner reports that there is a difference equal to two or more scheduled steps between near and distance corrected vision, with the near vision being worse, the examination report must include at least two recordings of near and distance corrected vision and an explanation of the reason for the difference. Examinations will be conducted without the use of hearing aids. 4.9 Congenital or developmental defects. 7527 Prostate gland injuries, infections, hypertrophy, postoperative residuals, bladder outlet obstruction: 7528 Malignant neoplasms of the genitourinary system. Consider especially psychotic manifestations, complete or partial loss of use of one or more extremities, speech disturbances, impairment of vision, disturbances of gait, tremors, visceral manifestations, injury to the skull, etc. Recurrent dislocation of at scapulohumeral joint: With frequent episodes and guarding of all arm movements, With infrequent episodes and guarding of movement only at shoulder level (flexion and/or abduction at 90 ). Where unemployability for pension previously has been established on the basis of combined service-connected and nonservice-connected disabilities and the service-connected disability or disabilities have increased in severity, 4.16 is for consideration. 8525 Posterior tibial nerve, paralysis. If youre unhappy with the decision on your VA rating for shoulder pain, you have the right to file to overturn the VAs decision. With service incurred lower extremity amputation or shortening, a disabling arthritis, developing in the same extremity, or in both lower extremities, with indications of earlier, or more severe, arthritis in the injured extremity, including also arthritis of the lumbosacral joints and lumbar spine, if associated with the leg amputation or shortening, will be considered as service incurred, provided, however, that arthritis affecting joints not directly subject to strain as a result of the service incurred amputation will not be granted service connection. Preceding paragraph criterion September 22, 1978. You're not alone. Extremely unfavorable, in flexion at an angle of 45 or more, Favorable angle in full extension, or in slight flexion between 0 and 10, Unrepaired or failed repair of complete ligament tear causing persistent instability, and a medical provider prescribes both an assistive device (, (a) Sprain, incomplete ligament tear, or repaired complete ligament tear causing persistent instability, and a medical provider prescribes a brace and/or assistive device (, (b) Unrepaired or failed repair of complete ligament tear causing persistent instability, and a medical provider prescribes either an assistive device (, Sprain, incomplete ligament tear, or complete ligament tear (repaired, unrepaired, or failed repair) causing persistent instability, without a prescription from a medical provider for an assistive device (, A diagnosed condition involving the patellofemoral complex with recurrent instability after surgical repair that requires a prescription by a medical provider for a brace and either a cane or a walker, A diagnosed condition involving the patellofemoral complex with recurrent instability after surgical repair that requires a prescription by a medical provider for one of the following: A brace, cane, or walker, A diagnosed condition involving the patellofemoral complex with recurrent instability (with or without history of surgical repair) that does not require a prescription from a medical provider for a brace, cane, or walker, 5258 Cartilage, semilunar, dislocated, with frequent episodes of locking, pain, and effusion into the joint, 5259 Cartilage, semilunar, removal of, symptomatic, Nonunion of, with loose motion, requiring brace. The schedule for rating for mental disorders is set forth as follows: 9210 Other specified and unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, 9301 Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to HIV or other infections, 9304 Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury, 9305 Major or mild vascular neurocognitive disorder, 9312 Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease, 9326 Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition or substance/medication-induced major or mild neurocognitive disorder, 9403 Specific phobia; social anxiety disorder (social phobia), 9416 Dissociative amnesia; dissociative identity disorder, 9417 Depersonalization/Derealization disorder, 9422 Other specified somatic symptom and related disorder, 9423 Unspecified somatic symptom and related disorder, 9424 Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder), 9433 Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), General Rating Formula for Mental Disorders. Liver disease, chronic, without cirrhosis. 7719 Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) (chronic myeloid leukemia or chronic granulocytic leukemia). They will continue for a 12-month period following discharge from service. In 2022, flat feet VA disability ratings range from 0 percent to 50 percent, with interim breaks at 10 percent, 20 percent, and 30 percent. Group VII Function: Flexion of wrist and fingers. Its FREE to get started, so click Go Elite Now below to complete our 3-step intake process. Since the areas of dysfunction described below do not cover all symptoms resulting from genitourinary diseases, specific diagnoses may include a description of symptoms assigned to that diagnosis. (B) Adhesion of scar to one of the long bones, scapula, pelvic bones, sacrum or vertebrae, with epithelial sealing over the bone rather than true skin covering in an area where bone is normally protected by muscle. 23, 2009; 77 FR 6467, Feb. 8, 2012; 79 FR 45103, Aug. 4, 2014; 82 FR 36085, Aug. 3, 2017; 82 FR 50807, Nov. 2, 2017; 83 FR 15073, Apr. For DCs 7009, 7010, 7011, and 7015, a single evaluation will be assigned under the diagnostic code that reflects the predominant disability picture. cm.). When however, the limitation of motion of the specific joint or joints involved is noncompensable under the appropriate diagnostic codes, a rating of 10 pct is for application for each such major joint or group of minor joints affected by limitation of motion, to be combined, not added under diagnostic code 5003. 5203 Clavicle or scapula, impairment. No cardinal signs or symptoms of muscle disability as defined in paragraph (c) of this section. Footnotes in the schedule indicate levels of visual impairment that potentially establish entitlement to special monthly compensation; however, other levels of visual impairment combined with disabilities of other body systems may also establish entitlement. L. 90-493 should be mentioned in the discussion portion of all ratings in which these provisions are applied. Where diagnostic codes refer the decision maker to these specific areas of dysfunction, only the predominant area of dysfunction shall be considered for rating purposes. 8711 Neuralgia, middle radicular group. 8019 Meningitis, cerebrospinal, epidemic. With amputations, sequelae of fractures and other residuals of traumatism shown to be of static character, a showing of continuous unemployability from date of incurrence, or the date the condition reached the stabilized level, is a general requirement in order to establish the fact that present unemployability is the result of the disability. It is thus essential, both in the examination and in the evaluation of disability, that each disability be viewed in relation to its history. 4.75 General considerations for evaluating visual impairment. The diagnostic code numbers appearing opposite the listed ratable disabilities are arbitrary numbers for the purpose of showing the basis of the evaluation assigned and for statistical analysis in the Department of Veterans Affairs, and as will be observed, extend from 5000 to a possible 9999. Social interaction is frequently inappropriate. It is provided further that the existence or degree of nonservice-connected disabilities or previous unemployability status will be disregarded where the percentages referred to in this paragraph for the service-connected disability or disabilities are met and in the judgment of the rating agency such service-connected disabilities render the veteran unemployable. Malignant neoplasms of the eye, orbit, and adnexa (excluding skin). ], [62 FR 65219, Dec. 11, 1997, as amended at 63 FR 37779, July 14, 1998; 71 FR 52460, Sept. 6, 2006; 79 FR 2100, Jan. 13, 2014; 82 FR 50804, Nov. 2, 2017; 86 FR 54093, Sept. 30, 2021; 86 FR 62095, Nov. 9, 2021]. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. And, youll get to work with a Veteran Coach (VC) who will lead you to VA claim success. This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial. (3) The assent of the claimant should first be obtained for permission to conduct this economic and social survey. Evaluation August 30, 2002; criterion October 23, 2008. (b) For rating purposes, the skeletal muscles of the body are divided into 23 muscle groups in 5 anatomical regions: 6 muscle groups for the shoulder girdle and arm (diagnostic codes 5301 through 5306); 3 muscle groups for the forearm and hand (diagnostic codes 5307 through 5309); 3 muscle groups for the foot and leg (diagnostic codes 5310 through 5312); 6 muscle groups for the pelvic girdle and thigh (diagnostic codes 5313 through 5318); and 5 muscle groups for the torso and neck (diagnostic codes 5319 through 5323). Ratings for Impairment of Muscle Function. With intermediate degrees of residual weakness, pain or limitation of motion rate by analogy to diagnostic codes 5205 through 5208. In these cases, evaluate based on corrected distance vision adjusted to one step poorer than measured. 5172 Toes, other than great, with removal of metatarsal head. Evaluate under diagnostic codes 5256, 5257, 5260, or 5261 for the knee, or 5250-5254 for the hip, whichever results in the highest evaluation. 1. This VA dependents Today, Brian Reese the VA Claims Insider reveals the Top 8 VA Benefits for Surviving Spouse this year. Brian is a Distinguished Graduate of Management from theUnited States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO and he holds an MBA from Oklahoma State Universitys Spears School of Business, Stillwater, OK, where he was a National Honor Scholar (Top 1% of Graduate School class). 8626 Neuritis, anterior crural (femoral) nerve. 6211 Tympanic membrane, perforation of. This is commonly rated from 10% to 40%. The VA rates Back Pain under CFR Title 38, Part 4, Schedule for Rating Disabilities, General Rating Formula for Diseases and Injuries of All these parts work together to support your body weight, maintain your posture, and help you move. Malignant neoplasms of the eye, orbit, and adnexa (excluding skin) that do not require therapy comparable to that for systemic malignancies: Separately evaluate visual and nonvisual impairment, e.g., disfigurement (diagnostic code 7800), and combine the evaluations. 5166 Forefoot, proximal to metatarsal bones. Can communicate complex ideas. Criterion July 6, 1950; evaluation March 10, 1976; evaluation January 12, 1998. These hormones control the growth of new cells and metabolism.

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