Not only is he a humble man for someone who held that position for so long but pride does not throw you into that kind of sin, its if anything, coveting what is not yours that does. The chapel's founder, Kent Nottingham, told a local TV station that there'd been no suspicion of abuse and that he was "shocked.". Probably ended about 4-5 yrs ago, so whoever was doing it afterwards- I have no knowledge of. I say years because it is easy to fake a Come to Jesus moment for a year maybe two. Bob Coy Fired by Boca Raton Nightclub Funky Biscuit After Sexual Abuse Lets let our new folks visit and vent. Andy, the whole passage is figurative or symbolic. My parents are Catholic believers. Doesnt the Bible tell us to avert our eyes and not look on the oher woman? I dont think so. I doubt hardly anyone will leave CCFL, unless they leave to follow Coy. How was this non bodied being bound with a chain? Hugh, Yeah, I agree completely with Neo, You really, really need a hug. But since the binding of Satan, the word has gone all over the word. The perpetrator must be removed form the pedestal men have placed him on in order to allow restoration to begin. where is pastor bob coy now 2020. Bob, Anons #472 is absolutely true. At communion are you consuming the actual, real, body and blood of Jesus? This has grown way beyond the BC travesty, its become a volley of hate. What is 1,00 yrs to God? Lastly, if the assumption of some is correct (that Coy will re-surface be reinstated), would any mature believer out there choose to sit under the teaching of a re-cycled pastor in favor of a shepherd who will lead Gods flock with integrity of heart? On April 3, 2014, Coy resigned as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, after admitting to committing adultery and having an addiction to pornography. Many get off drugs w/o evangelical christianity, many turn themselves around from alcohol or gambling or other vices w/o evangelical christianity. Is it like a day or is a day like a 1,000 yrs? Prayers for restoration and healing of the flock and his family. Many of the Bobbleheads are imputing motive, spiritual condition, and knowledge of the secret sins of those who object to Bobs infidelity. Is it ok, in your world view, that I feel a profound sadness at the pain and destruction his betrayal has caused him and those in his universe? I find it ridiculous to blame cheating on power and authority. To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. The fact that this is a family-oriented show is one of the aspects that contributes to the shows overall depth, and we dont want to see that aspect altered in the least. The victim wife of another scandal set up camp at a near by church SO if anyone can recommend a smaller church, please let me know. Them coy has no grounds to sue you. My advice, not that Im anybody, is to keep your eyes on God an always seek MATURE counsel. we were gone by then. and Why? My moneys on Michaeland everything Im hearing from my sources confirms it. Dont go on sites like this where theyre sole purpose is to gossip and spread lies. Weve had too much of that here lately and it hurts us all. 8. Right now I agree that the church in Florida needs to rally around Bobs wife and children while at the same time taking necessary steps in church discipline towards Bob that he would overcome these sins and salvage his marriage and the relationships with his children if thats still possible. just a kind reminder that Pastor Bob coy and his family are human beins with feelings and I cant reconcile my mind why something like this that could cause so much harm especially to his two children you would proceed with. We are called to love and forgive. Is there a man here who would NOT do the same. He convicts us of sin and draws us to the Savior. 'Jesus Revolution' leaves out the tough stuff but gets the music right, Sacked chaplain to appeal after losing employment tribunal case. Michael isnt a Calvanist. Mark this day April 8, 2014 and remember my words! Martin Luther wanted it thrown out along with James and a couple other books. Were not going to speculate on the blogs right now, he said. Coy shocked his flock and made national headlines by walking away from his ministry, selling his house, and divorcing his wife. If you never lived together with others then you have never lead Jesus Style and problems will eventually surface when you fail to lead in this way. Throwing me under the bus is not a wise or godly decision. He shucks at the power of the blood of Jesus, he basically says no problem regarding the mark of the beast the list goes on and on. Was a 2nd announcement made today at services? Which sin are you guilty of? Thank you. So now Im not saved? Coy is lordship salvation enough that he has undoubtedly taught it in such a way as, now, the finger is pointed at him. Its interesting Michael has yet to answer the question about his own sins. I still have the cassette tape. In the Coy case, though, Payne never made that kind of headway. I hung out with Mac behind the scenes, he was actually quite a nice guy outside the pulpit. Seems like this must be worse than the usual cc pastor adultery because from my observation, calvary chapel covers for their guys and discredits the victims. I was thinking bull, too, just without the china-shop analogy.. Re: moral failings They do not expound because they do not WANT to expound. Indeed, police records show no progress on the case until eight months later, on April 4, 2016, when Coy's young accuser showed up at Coral Springs Police headquarters. Coy, who has also been divorced from his wife, is reportedly looking into the prospect of starting a new church again despite the controversy. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. Im sure he was forced to leave and CC is doing everything they can to make sure that he will not be remembered. (or perhaps the proper way to put it is that she did the research and the study. OR THOUGHT OF SOMEONE ELSE WHILE YOU WERE BEING INTIMATE WITH YOUR WIFE??? However, keep in mind that Coy would sue me into oblivion if I was wrong. I like Bob, I served there for over a decade and he has proclaimed from the pulpit he struggles in the area of pride and women. True confession accepts 100% of the blame. He's accused of molesting at least ten children aged 13 to 16 over several years, victimizing members of the youth group he led after taking them back to his apartment. Its all good. If Acts 2 is correct and the reign of Christ is a current event then the 1,000 yrs has actually been almost 2,000 yrs already. Too much evidence to convince me otherwise. No excuses, no buts. That lent itself to a very youthful, crazy, wild lifestyle. I have documentation. His picture is in every one of your posts. We have to consider this each time we place anyone near to or above God. Bob, The Bob Coy topic has gone to seed as has this thread so it is a good parking place for just some general conversation it doesnt intrude on the newer threads. 16 And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people, that shall remain from Assyria, like as there was for Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt. As a new believer, I was being fed very well at CCFTL with Pastor Bobs teaching. When a blitzed, 26-year-old Coy went to see his brother the next day, Jim threw a Bible at him and told him to read it. You have brothers and sisters in the world that are not able to mention their faith without fear of loosing their freedom or life. 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. The most disturbing part about many of these posts is the disparate amount of sympathy and even defense for the sinner relative to concern verbalized for his family and the church. Lets see how many marriages this man has destroyed in his church. Im sure that there are many churches in the FtL area that, while not mega in size, would be a good fit for many of you in the work of the ministry. awesome. God knew from the beginning who would choose him or not choose him and based on what mans choice would be God chose man so predestination is mentioned but its according to his foreknowledge that he chose us as it clearly states in 1Peter 1:2. Man has a dual nature. As an attendee of this church I am shocked and disappointed. Really? The inner circle or big givers got to have dinner with DC and BC. When my wife and I first started attending CCFL in 93 he preached with humility and it was refreshing. I have read SO MANY comments from Bob Coy followers that said, Bob always said to us, If you trust in me, I will let you down. Sheesh. When Jesus said The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. he was not saying. Pastor Bob Coy and his wife Diane led a Florida ministry that grew to include satellite locations in Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, West Boca, Plantation, Hollywood, and the Keys, according to SunSentinel. Im so glad you kept your eyes on Jesus and didnt let men destroy your faith. Lol, they remind me of the dwarves in The Last Battle, who couldnt see the reality of Aslans return because they were so locked up in their dark world (help yourself to the symbolism there mr. Calvins disciple, plenty there for you)! I knew his daughter, he was a good dad. 1 JOHN 1:8 If we claim to be without sin,we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. What Happened to Aunt Diane? Diane Schuler Case - YouTube We still sin, we still are capable of the same evils as prior to being saved and thats why accountability measures in the churches and checks and balances to power in both religion and politics is vitally necessary. Daughter And as you look at these Pastors, one used to run the cafeteria (Did he have any biblical education to become a Pastor)?, one is BCs brother in law, and one is his nieces husband. By now we should have learned how to come to these matters. This year, Calvary has been hit by even more sexual abuse claims. Money, Power and Sex: Mamon, Mars and Aphrodite. The devil laughs with glee, the mockers will mock and scorn, those who are hiding their own sin will tremble that they could be next. Answer my question What do you disagree with Luther on? When, oh when will the sin sniffing and salivating over someones moral failurecome to an end? Is free will not involved in our salvation? Irenaeus taught dispensationalism in the 2nd century. MLD, we are listening to the apostles. You added the words SEVEN YEAR tribulation to that quote. We teach the young men of God to watch for these three attacks. 7 The cow and the bear shall graze; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. That is just ridiculous. You never know what youd do if you were in his position.thats like a bum saying hed never do what a rich man would do. Bob Coy is fortunate because his sin was found out. I wonder if now these people are thinking of us. Serious people interpret the Bible and serious people disagree. By my count, only 7 including myself have listed your names., Ok, Ill just vent then. The woman told him "she had an experience with God and has found forgiveness" for Coy over his abuse. Sorrow for anything done or said; the pain or grief which a person experiences in consequence of the injury or inconvenience produced by his own conduct. And this is no strike whatsoever at Coy. No way around the fallout. we his congregation, and his family, are the ones that need to deal with it yes or no? "We are not led by a board of elders.". Bible preaching and teaching is being dumbed down, so that you have to read everything literally, imposing 21 century ideas of history and science on the text, or your not a faithful Christian. Just a simple yes or no will suffice. If so, how did He seek The Lord through study and prayer? Mary! In 1997, Coddington was inducted into the Hot Rod Hall of Fame.[11]. you will know if youre a preterist scripture denying disciple of Calvin or a Bible believing follower of Jesus!. People are like sheep and will do what they are told. There's no question he wants back in the game," Newnham says. Where Is Pastor Bob Coy Now 2020She'd never even told her family about Diane also drew a picture for the jurors _ a roadway, a few trees and two trucks. Anonymous I know what youre speaking about there was defiantly is a we know better attitude through the church as is with any structured environment but I on at least (3) occasions took Bob to task on issues I questioned and each time he heard and reasoned with me, one time conceded, one time there was a healing between two churches and one time we agreed I was taking a bit too much license and should stay on the set point to which I conceded. Im just trying to figure out why Michaels on the take. If you live in the area, you know it is not easy finding a church when you are looking for meat. Where am I wrong on this? Thanks Michael. Why kick a wounded brother in Christ????? For her perfecting, she awaits the return of her Lord. Which is typical of todays modern quick moving world! ( When I signed in, it asked for my first and last name seemed simple enough.!) Young Sheldon Season 6 Episode 14 Recap: George and Mary Breakup? According to sources familiar with the matter, Coy confessed to key leaders on Wednesday. However, Bob has disqualified himself, perhaps for the rest of his life, from the office of Pastor. Designer Chip Foose (Overhaulin') and fabricator Jesse James (Motorcycle Mania)[8] When he made them laugh he had them. So we have to have a discussion on the subject: What exactly is church? Grace and mercy abounds. Be strong and have Faith.. Everyone loves u and repentance will heal..prayers to u and your family. "If you're broken, Jesus will be gentle with you in your anger and disillusionment," Sauder said. Please understand that for a follower of Christ any transgression is against God as well as man. That passage is no more teaching dispensationalism than ice hockey rules. Hes also fortunate to have a leadership willing to assist in his restoration and a congregation that will be praying for him. Youre free not to believe me. Anon, I cant really say how I know. Lorenzo, Thats, quite honestly, inappropriate, and none of your business. The one thing Id point out is that like so many other CC he was always preaching about behavior as well as keeping our eyes on Jesus. If this is all true theres a lot of lessons to learn here and maybe its time people started apologizing to Rick Warren who has demonized through the years. The fig tree was a representation of the leadership in Jerusalem and what did Jesus say to it when it had no fruit? That is actually their responsibility. "If you're angry or you're disillusioned or you're fearful, if you embarrass yourself or you disappoint yourself he can take all the mess and turn it into something beautiful.". I am telling them to let him recover his heart, name and honor. No one is perfect, thats why we are just human flesh. The pit does not really have a padlock on it etc ) but in all that symbolism, we should take the 1,000 yrs literally? Which one of these statements do you not agree with Flynn? If so, what so called ministry does Bob demonstrate fidelity in that he can be restored to? You know little to nothing of what you speak and Im not going to waste any time trying to help you as i perceive you to be utterly unteachable. , ; , . How is it bogus? Coy aligned his fledgling church with Calvary Chapel, a movement started in Southern California in the 1960s by Chuck Smith, a laid-back West Coaster who wore Hawaiian shirts while he preached a fire-and-brimstone, old-school religion.

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