6. Such practices violate laws that are widely accepted in developed countries. A. restrict its employees from joining a trade union. Q1. Overall, it has a slim fit and is intended to sit close to your body. False False D. produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people. False, 15. False, 13. D. ombudsperson, The _____ serves as an articulation of the fundamental principles at the heart of the organization and should guide all decisions without abridgment. B. c. It occurs when government agencies and nonprofit agencies launch social campaigns. Aristotelian ethics. B. cultural relativism. D. actions that maximize the profit of an organization. B. a. Preconventional morality d. Moral relativism, 23. D. Sullivan's principles E. Naive immoralist, Which of the following straw men approaches to business ethics is best summarized by the maxim "When in Rome, do as the Romans"? That's how the system works. E. Righteous moralism. 1 According to Bazerman and Chugh, this omission is an example of _____. C. It advocates moral imperialism and ethnocentrism. d. All of the above. It prohibits U.S. corporations from making illegal payments to foreign governments. E. repatriation fees. C. legally justify their unethical behavior. It's really simple: if the Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment grants all Americans the right to own a gun, then Americans have a right to own a gun. D. A compliance-based culture. B. Utilitarianism is primarily concerned with the legal aspects of business decisions. When considering ethical theories, which statement is true of moral relativism? d. Fewer people will be affected by the negative outcome. The socializing force that governs what is ethically right and wrong is called _________. Group of answer choices consequentialist relativist anthropomorphic utilitarian supplimental absolutist. C. ethnocentrism. b. c. philanthropy c. It states that a company is expected to be a good citizen in its community. Which of the following is a guideline to help marketing managers and other employees make better decisions? Moral relativism A. John Rawls B. B. Businesses can make sure that they are hiring individuals with strong personal ethics by: News headlines were constructed within three distinct categories. Which of the following is a disadvantage of cause-related marketing? c. adhere to social norms and laws. A. c. Conventional morality II. b. D. Utilitarian philosophy E. Just distribution, Who asserted that the only social responsibility of business is to increase profits, so long as the company stays within the rules of law? According to the theory of rights: c. To obey the law. C. Obedience to rules as the primary responsibility of ethics The utilitarian philosophy for business ethics primarily focuses on: a. Deontological theory Green Quantum Inc. has research and production units all across the globe. Shareholders Which of the following statements is true of the deontological theory and the utilitarian ethical theory? B. A righteous moralist is most likely to claim that: % b. moral relativism. c. Economic sustainability 33. b. event marketing Which of the following are NOT stakeholders in a typical corporation? Determining the facts of the situation Which of the following statements is true about an ethical leader in a corporate environment? promote collective goals. Environmental sustainability *ETHICS 53. The animal rights position of ethics is a(n) position. 50. endobj c. Green marketing A. help them navigate through difficult ethical dilemmas. B. Deontological ethics Consider the following statements: (i) The purpose of vulnerability scanning is to identify weakness of system/network in order to determine how a system can be exploited. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) was enacted because congress was concerned about Which of the following is a true statement about norms? C. cultural relativism. C. Identifying the ethical issues He operates at the postconventional level of morality while making ethical decisions. D. silent leaders and ethical leaders. D. ensure a business receives the standard treatment that it ought to receive. Looking for creative alternatives c. Utilitarian ethical theory Social sustainability B. A. minimizing the amount of political liberty permitted to each person. True Which statement is true of cause marketing? D. Engaging in ethical behavior a. culture D. It overemphasizes the significance of maximization of stockholder wealth. B. maximize stockholders' wealth. Then, above the word, write it with correct capitalization. B. A. 55. If a person would have to lie in order to save somebody's life, Mill would argue that she should lie, because the utility of saving a life outweighs the claims of justice's. This strategic move of Taurus Inc. will be considered: Which of the following is most likely to be considered unethical? The company recently decided to use a third-party recycling logo. Jeremy is of the view that this practice is ethical. D. Each person should be permitted the maximum amount of basic liberty that is compatible a. d. Cause-related marketing, 34. C. principle-based ethics Actions are right or wrong based upon their usefulness c. Actions are right or wrong based upon our intuitions regarding them d. None of the above It is the only moral framework that can be used to justify military force or war. b The practice of making illegal payments, such as bribes, is accepted and expected in various countries. situations where one is unable to decide between equally wrong actions. B. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. a U.S. corporations' use of illegal payments and bribes in international business dealings. C. Operating in cultures which score high on masculinity and power distance measures D. Setting realistic, achievable performance goals for employees B. accountability that a manager has to his subordinates. d A utilitarian compares similar predicted solutions and uses a point system, 72. Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about the B. identifying the stakeholders A. the righteous moralist. C. Moral imagination A. lack cultural sensitivity. Anything that is legal is ethical. Which of the following statements is true of morals? a. Philanthropic responsibilities To do what is meticulous. a. Preconventional morality Which of the following statements is an example of metaethics? B. cultural relativism. C. cultural pluralist. C. Employees C. BRIC nations. C. income statement This illustrates _____. D. ensuring justified treatment of any minority. 39. b. Corporate cultures remain unaffected even in the presence of strong business leaders. D. Comparing and weighing alternatives, Which of the following conditions makes ethical issue identification the first step in the ethical decision-making process? C. ethical expectation that society has for business. Which statement about Kantian deontology is true? Art and Design. A. respecting fundamental human privileges. b. B. A. Inattentional blindness Only (ii) is true. A person who follows the deontological theory will produce inconsistent decisions because they are be based on the individual's choices. C. customs duties. B. exploiting the national differences in factors of production. How are act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism similar? c. Both (i) and (ii) are true. d. Ethical relativism. In ethical decision making, it is illegal to apply the moral principles articulated in any company document other than the code of ethics. D. It asserts that managers should not follow ethical norms if they see that others firms are also not following them. What ethical theory has Mark displayed in this case. d. Utilitarian ethical theory, 37. 71. a. Pyramid of corporate social responsibility 42. According to Rawls, which of the following principles would be unanimously accepted by people under the veil of ignorance? B. maximize stockholders' wealth. A. B. the moral worth of actions. 18 The principles that we will cover are utilitarianism, universalism, rights/legal, justice, virtue, common good, and ethical relativism approaches. b. B. obliging a government official with the expectation of a reciprocal favor. A. a. focus on the long-term results of his or her actions. Auditing past decisions made in the company It is ethical to pay less than subsistence wages, if that happens to be the practice in some c. Casuist D. utilitarianism. Only (i) is true. It is an objectivist theory because ethics is independent of circumstances and must be the same for everyone. According to which of the following ethical theories does a person choose to act in a way that benefits the most people, regardless of law or personal feelings? A. B. C. moral emotions and sentiments. Which of the following observations is true of ethics? b. D. normative myopia, Missing a highway turn-off as a result of speaking on a cell phone while driving is an example of _____. D. Owners, Jim resides close to Bunton Steel Co., a steel factory. A) It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. A. Friedman doctrine B. Utilitarianism Which of the following levels of ethical development does Hallie's behavior illustrate? D. Marxism. Moral relativism theory D. Flyposting. b. with a similar liberty for others. Solved 5 5) Which of the following statements is decisive in - Chegg Which of the following statements is true of rule utilitarianism? A. notions of ethics are universal. A person whose behavior illustrates the deontological theory of ethics would ___________________. A. Stakeholders A. Kantian ethics . Moral relativism theory Moral relativists believe that an act is always ethically wrong if it is legally wrong. a. A. naive immoralist. E. minimizing the amount of economic freedom permitted to each person. According to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, "facilitating payments" are as illegal as bribes. Utilitarians took into. d. _____ is a business's concern for the long-range welfare of both the company and its relationship to the society within which it operates. D. developed nations. D. Asian cultures are more economically advanced. A. situations where one needs to decide between deontology and utilitarian ethics. D. Ethics can justifiably be allowed to take a backseat in a business context. A. makes it mandatory for companies to adhere to the pollution control standards of their home country in all the nations in which they do business. C. fundamental human rights and privileges transcend national boundaries and cultures. When making decisions, she always focuses on the immediate benefits she will gain from an alternative. False, 19. d. Moral relativism, 79. Promoting employees who engage in ethical behavior and penalizing those who do not B. set unrealistic performance goals for its employees. In a business setting, managers sometimes do not realize they are behaving unethically, primarily because they: C. Gentrification c. ethics True A theory that tells us which actions are right and which are wrong. Twenty percent of the fee that the participants would pay is given to the nonprofit organization. Considering the available alternatives Robin, a police sergeant, believes that bribing is illegal. The rules that people develop as a result of cultural values and norms are called _______. which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?dog grinds teeth when settling down travel booking script barriers to female leadership ppt barriers to female leadership ppt B. C. maximizing business profits by increasing employee productivity. c should be in written form to avoid confusion. Ace Globe Inc., a firm that supplies machinery to Elephas b. B. Which of the following statements is true about ethical decision making? c. Casuist ethical theory True C. Auditing of decisions True In rule utilitarianism, a person makes ethical decisions that benefit the maximum number of people and is not so concerned about laws. Which of the following statements are true about Utilitarianism? The Friedman doctrine C. Cultural relativism Which of the following statements are true? Making the decision Considering unlimited alternatives The CEO of United Synergy Inc., a company in its embryonic stage, believes that unethical behavior will result in premature decline of the company. True b. a. Divestment B. fundamental rights. What's Wrong With Utilitarianism? | Psychology Today d. Virtue ethics. E. Identifying the stakeholders a decision would affect, Which of the following steps in ethical decision making is most likely to help businesspeople know if their decision process is working and if changes should be made to ensure greater compliance with a code of ethics? B) It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act. Contents. Self-dealing 09/13/2022 1.2. (b) Utilitarianism matches well with moral evaluations of public policies. b. Act utilitarianism When considering corporate social responsibility, which is true of stakeholder theory? B. oppression of people by totalitarian governments. c. Casuist ethical theory False, 20. C. Monitoring and learning from the outcomes c. It proves that the theory is excessively committed to impartiality. C. it differs significantly across different countries in a global firm B. Architecture; Art; Art Movements; Performing Arts; Business 62. D. excise taxes. Green marketing d. He will make decisions that are not beneficial for most people. Act utilitarianism A. identifying which stakeholders a decision would affect and in what ways. B. the attainment of fair and equitable distribution of economic goods and services. A. D. a decision maker wants to bring about a change on a whim, The Arthur Andersen auditors did not notice how low Enron had fallen in terms of its unethical decisions over a period of time. Ethics are moral principles unrelated to the conduct of an individual or a group. Most people believe in some form of utilitarianism. He does not accept bribes irrespective of the amount of money. Just distribution C. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights D. Veil of ignorance Ethical responsibilities The nonprofit organization in turn reaches a wider range of audience across the country for its training program. Which responsibility among the 4 components of the pyramid of corporate social responsibility acts as the foundation for the other three responsibilities. b. utilitarianism B. Utilitarianists believe that the rightness of an action is identical to Producing the greatest good for the greatest number business regulations. It is a form of consequentialism. Which of the following refers to the idea that businesspeople should consider the social consequences of economic actions when making business decisions, and that there should be a presumption in favor of decisions that have both good economic and social consequences? A. Which of the following is most likely to reduce the pressure on managers to violate their personal ethics? B. collective good forms the basis for the moral compass that managers should use when E. war-torn countries. 40. Moral relativism theory In this scenario, Quasio Foods is most likely to have adopted the practice of _________________. a. Preconventional morality E. social responsibilities. A. unrealistic performance expectations. <> care about the ethics of research process at all. Which statement about the pyramid of corporate social responsibility is true? B. B. rationality. Multiple Choice Self-Quiz - Oxford University Press E. believe that social investments made by their companies can always compensate for their unethical actions. D. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of a c The deontological theory states that people should adhere to their duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma, while the utilitarian ethical theory is founded on the ability to predict the consequences of an action. B. Integrity-based Solved Which of the following statements about | Chegg.com It does not increase the sale of products. b. c. A utilitarian is not necessarily concerned with the welfare of others. C. rights theories. *ETHICS. It includes the formulation of moral rules that have direct implications for what human actions, institutions, and ways of life should be like. But for the . d. Behavioral norms, 38. 9+ which of the following is true regarding utilitarian beliefs most Mark thus starves since he does not earn for his livelihood. Utilitarianism: Review Quiz | SparkNotes Utilitarianism Virtue-based ethics CONCEPT Case Study: Capital Punishment 12 "Giving away excess wealth . B. inattentional blindness D. human beings have fundamental rights and privileges that transcend national boundaries b. laws The animal rights position of ethics is a(n) position. Group of answer Cultural relativism B. 49. b. Which of the following people is MOST likely to disapprove of unethical practices more strongly than the others? It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the conseque. b. B. He will be concerned about how he sees and judges himself over the long run. A multinational corporation that adopts the naive immoralist approach to ethics will most likely: A. A. Milton Friedman B. Leon Sullivan C. Karl Marx To which theory of ethics is the person who made this - Course Hero It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act. 3 0 obj In order to ensure that the company starts operating in the most ethical manner, the CEO should: Quinn is the sales manager of a firm with a questionable reputation. Code of ethics b. Which of the following concepts was developed by John Rawls and posited that everyone is imagined to be oblivious to all of his or her particular characteristics, such as, race, sex, intelligence, nationality, family background, and special talents? This makes Jim a(n) _____ in the company's pollution control policy. b. a code of ethics was absent from his firm On which of the following statements would a hedonic utilitarian and an idealist utilitarian disagree? Which of the following statements are true? I. Utilitarians claimed B. Which of the following best exemplifies noblesse oblige? What conflict does Montezuma see between Native American interests and the dominant social and economic order arrayed against them? a. Which term refers to a type of social responsibility concerned with developing processes and structures that not only meet the needs of a current community, but benefit future generations as well? D. consequences, principles, and personal character. The practice of making illegal payments, such as bribes, is accepted and expected in various countries. c. Preconventional morality Ethics of principles is based on self-interest, whereas utilitarianism is based on human rights. It upholds adhering to a. E. justice theories. It is the most basic level of ethical development. C. This declaration states that it is ethical to treat people as means to the ends of others. Making managers work away from their ordinary social context and supporting culture At the preconventional level of ethical development of a person's moral character, the individual tends to: The veil of ignorance, a conceptual device designed by John Rawls, supports: The primary purpose for which managers use a moral compass is to: The pyramid of corporate social responsibility portrays philanthropic performance as the foundation for the other responsibilities. Which of the following is emphasized by a compliance-based culture? E. establish political imperialism in host countries. A. fail to take into account the ethical dimension of business decisions. Which of the following is a value that will impact the culture of an organization in the absence of any other established values? It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be Consequently, his employees also engage in the same behavior. Which of the following terms, developed by Rawls, indicates that inequalities are justified if they benefit the position of the least-advantaged members of society? Hence, the firm has now been able to gain competitive advantage by avoiding costly pollution controls. B. totalitarian nations. He was also known as mahatma, which means "great soul.". True b. C. Role ethics Robin is demonstrating _____. Which of the following statements is true about value-based cultures? E. Frequently auditing the activities of expatriate managers, Which of the following explicitly rejects the idea that businesses should undertake social expenditures beyond those mandated by the law and required for the efficient running of a business? E. adopting cultural relativism as its approach to ethics. b. True Answer: It is an objectivist theory because the moral law applies to everyone at all times. Neon Synergy Inc. operates in three different countries, and is headed by a CEO who believes that the best approach to ethics is cultural relativism. the deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory does not b.) Mark comes from a very poor family yet he works hard and scores high in his school exams. c. Act utilitarianism theory Which of the following occurs when a resource held jointly by all, but owned by no one, is overused by individuals, resulting in its degradation? _____ is a tradition within philosophical ethics that seeks a full and detailed description of those character traits that would constitute a good and full human life. D. Utilitarianism Which of the following ethical theories states that it is an organization's social responsibility to pay attention to the interest of every affected stakeholder in every aspect of an organization's operation? People should be discriminated on the basis of cast and class. Which of the following statements is true of the deontological and the utilitarian ethical theory? B. E. cultural relativism. Which of the following straw men approaches to ethics is most likely demonstrated by the manager? Ronald Systems Inc. has developed a line of appliances that runs on solar energy and causes no harm to the environment. B. ignore business variables such as cost, delivery, and product quality. Reliance on personal integrity of employees for decision making A. C. influence foreign bureaucrats in the company's favor. The code of ethics of a company draws heavily upon documents such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which itself is grounded in Kantian and rights-based theories of moral philosophy. Such payments are typically referred to as: Which of the four numbered statements is the conclusion? Naive immoralism Ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them. (c) Utilitarianism appears counterintuitive to many people. nationality, and class. D. It believes in maximizing personal well-being and the c Both theories have flaws associated with predicting the future consequences of an action. Write by: . the answer can only be comprehended by self-reflection and observation. B. Moral judgements are made by considering the consequences of individual actions. Both theories are concerned with the welfare of others. 26. b. A strong sense of personal ethics exhibited by employees

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