True, Your brother rarely filters his observations and often makes insensitive comments that To adjust a relationship to accommodate changing needs of the partners is to: The explanation of a transgression that may accompany an apology is a/an: True or false? Jmiller291 Solitary Confinement, Old Geelong Gaol 7 CC BY 2.0. Mark R. Leary (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), 320. The social penetration model says that people, like unions, have many layers. Cross) Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky) Interpersinal communication exam #1 answers to exam for chapters 1,2-7 University Content Level and the Relationship Level (?). 7.Profanity: words that offend, are outside the boundary of good, civil taste of normal Name the Perspectives and research associated with CMC and interpersonal relationships. al qaeda is identified as an international terrorist group because it, What change, if any, should be made in sentence 4 ? They also communicate the uniqueness of the relationship and create boundaries, since meaning is only shared within the relationship. Experimenting For example, research on a gay male friendship circle found that the gay men retold certain dramatic stories frequently to create a sense of belonging and to also bring in new members to the group (Jones Jr., 2007). The cultural rules used to create and react to emotional experiences are called emotional labor. The decision to love a certain person is an example of: The expectation in a close friendship is when friends are perceived as vehicles from whom benefits can be derived is called. Research indicates that silence might be a better alternative to self-disclosure at the Aside from making your relationships and health better, interpersonal communication skills are highly sought after by potential employers, consistently ranking in the top ten in national surveys (National Association of Colleges and Employers, 2010). Improvements include: Watch reactions, enroll an observer, and focus on a specific type of nonverbal communication. a. an open area, where information is known to both you and others Define computer-mediated relationships and the impact of CMC on romantic relationships? c. Nonverbal Communication can be Intentional or Unintentional. They share personal information, likes and dislikes and continue to get to know each other better. Interpersonal Communication can be informal (the checkout line) or formal (lecture classroom). c. can move between stages but generally have elements of the stages. These properties make it possible for similar social practices to exist across time and space and that lend them "systemic" form. Cheyenne is experiencing literal noise. True GTL is an activity idiom that stands for gym, tan, laundrya common routine for the cast of the show. We also enter into new relationships with expectations based on the schemata we have developed in previous relationships and learned from our larger society and culture. What are the challenges that surface in research regarding cross-sex friendships and friendships with former romantic partners? True A transmitter that can't be shut off is a metaphor illustrating which quality of nonverbal Competent communicators are multifaceted people with a variety of roles and identities Which of the following terms refers to the extent that a person actively thinks about and controls their public behaviors and actions? If youve ever studied foreign languages, you know that idiomatic expressions like Im under the weather today are basically nonsense when translated. self-concept?The self-concept is subjective. Discuss the cultural aspects of interpersonal communication. than its connotations, the feelings it evokes. At what stage in the relationship was the talk? Friendship. Imagine that you are the manager of a small department of employees at a marketing agency where you often have to work on deadlines. It is focused on context and acknowledgement of the other person. All non-word cues, both vocal and silent, are called consider the importance of which element of communication? Territoriality, Which is an initial goal when you first meet other people? True or false? The terms "language" and "idiom" are synonymous. True or false? True, List and describe five key stages in the formation of relationships. d. control, encourage or discourage interaction. True or false? False, Describe the difference between passive, active, critical and empathetic listening, Passive - hearing and partial listening Did you mean for it to happen? **The Social Interaction Theory of Emotion: (Gerth & Mills) acknowledges that biology effects emotion and emotional communication. To increase the clarity of a statement, you should consider replacing but with and. Perception check, In general, women are more nonverbally expressive than men, and they are more For example, Haley, the oldest daughter in the television show Modern Family, often presents herself as incapable in order to get her parents to do her work. i. True, People in cultures that are low in uncertainty avoidance are less threatened by the new terms, Speaking in a way that emphasizes similarities is the basis of which strategy? True or false? Getting integrated: Interpersonal communication occurs between two or more people whose lives are interdependent and mutually influence one another. Goals vary based on the situation and the communicators, but ask yourself if you are generally successful at achieving the goals with which you enter a conversation or not. Interpersonal Communication came to being when men began to exchange ideas and thoughts to one another. There are functional aspects of interpersonal communication. a. to meet our needs and the needs of others. It is likely that your friend has made or will also make similar concessions to put your needs first, which indicates that there is a satisfactory and complimentary relationship. Reba feels comfortable making suggestions to her manager. disclosure. What kinds of conflicts resulted from the global confrontation between the two superpowers. Please label and describe the type of nonverbal communication they represent. This definition highlights the fact that interpersonal communication involves two or more people who are interdependent to some degree and who build a unique bond based on the larger social and cultural contexts to which they belong. Although storytelling will continue to play a part in your relational development with these new people, you may be surprised at how quickly you start telling stories with your new friends about things that have happened since you met. A person who is overly critical and judgmental when listening to others is narcissistic. smallest zone of personal space? The ease with which a language can express a thought is known as. Paraphrasing means repeating to ourselves the sender's message in the same words he/she sent it. True. Interdependence, Your romantic partner of 10 months broke up with you in a text message, failing to In 1900, the 20 c. on information you hide from others, considering the information private. dislike the speaker, disregard the message. Verbal and nonverbal interactions between two or more interdependent individuals represent interpersonal communication. d. Integrating, Which of the following is NOT a stage in Knapp's model of relational development? Here are some other examples of communicating to meet self-presentation goals: The Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) states that appearance, behavior, and communication are the ABCs of image. Many professional image consultants are licensed by this organization and provide a variety of services to politicians, actors, corporate trainers, public speakers, organizations, corporations, and television personalities such as news anchors. We strategically project ourselves to be perceived in particular ways by communicating for self-presentation goals such as appearing competent or friendly. True A culture within a culture is known as: Co-culture True or false? (organic; fiber). The idea that our communication with others shapes our personal identity is called symbolic interactionism. You ask your friend to help you move this weekend (gaining/resisting compliance). didn't see my message." Many politicians use image consultants to help them connect to voters and win elections. There have been documented cases of abandoned or neglected children, sometimes referred to as feral children, who survived using their animalistic instincts but suffered psychological and physical trauma as a result of their isolation (Candland, 1995). Helping to actualize our own or another's power is called escalation. 1.Speech is not like written language: problems could be in grammar and meaning could vary in what is being received. Communication often results in positive outcomes, but communication may also result in hurt, conflict, psychological damage, and relationship termination. Other routine relational tasks include celebrating special occasions or honoring accomplishments, spending time together, and checking in regularly by phone, e-mail, text, social media, or face-to-face communication. Customers prefer fast Obviously, if the clerk were a friend, family member, coworker, or romantic partner, the communication would fall into the interpersonal category. There are also many idioms for sexual references, such as smush, meaning to hook up / have sex, and smush room, which is the room set aside for these activities (Benigno, 2010). True or false? True or false? So a brief exchange with a grocery store clerk who you dont know wouldnt be considered interpersonal communication, because you and the clerk are not influencing each other in significant ways. There are also examples of solitary confinement, which has become an ethical issue in many countries. a. with one's self, including self-talk, imaging and Visualization keep up with his quick wit and expert debating skills. In this case, the ritual doesnt enrich the relational culture, but it may reinforce norms or rules that have been created in the relationship. b. environment. If the item is already correct, just write CCC. d. watch reactions, In order to improve your understanding of nonverbal communication What is the rate of movement between stages in the MISR: 1) Movement is faster in the early stages. d. on the nonverbal aspects of communication interactions. Goffman, E., The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (New York: Anchor Books, 1959). As you began to encounter new people in your classes, at your new job, or in your new housing, you most likely told some stories of your life beforeabout your friends, job, or teachers back home. Communication is Even though we experience our relationships as unique, they are at least partially built on preexisting cultural norms. true. What are the levels of messages associated with interpersonal communication? The self-concept is extremely resistant to change. c. Our reality is determined by our language. True or false? Your personal frame for viewing life and life's events is called your worldview. What skill does he need to work on? d. set low expectations for themselves. Both sign language and spoken language are symbolic in nature. d. Nonverbal Communication is Individual. group, by definition, consists more than two people. a. c. physiological and psychological needs. In communication, clarification involves offering back to the speaker the essential meaning, as understood by the listener, of what they have just said. d. Language is arbitrary and symbolic. c. think badly of themselves. conveys (bermitteln) by speech, presentation, clothes, enthusiasm and body language. for clarification about the behavior, First-order realities are those you consider most important. "rules and resources" and more specifically to "the structuring properties allowing the 'binding' of time-space in social systems". Interpersonal communication has many implications for us in the real world. Relationship cultures are the climates established through interpersonal communication that are unique to the relational partners but based on larger cultural and social norms. b. The unknown pane of the Johari Window represents information that others know about you, but you don't know about yourself. trainer and mentor. Convergence, Disclaimers tend to decrease negative judgments of those who use them. As you approach him, you say, "Alexis, you look like you are really tired." When I studied abroad in Sweden, my parents and I talked on the phone at the same time every Sunday, which established a comfortable routine for us. Second-guessing is trying to guess the rest of the speaker's story. a. the perceptual organization of information based on physical space between objects. c. manipulate or persuade communication. strategy when interacting with the majority culture? Structure is also, however, the result of these social practices. They help create structure and provide boundaries for interacting in the relationship and for interacting with larger social networks (Burleson, Metts, & Kirch, 2000). We frequently engage in communication designed to achieve instrumental goals such as gaining compliance (getting someone to do something for us), getting information we need, or asking for support (Burleson, Metts, & Kirch, 2000). competence and credibility? answer choices. b. affection, inclusion and control. False, Which communication concept recognizes that one person is a member of various co- Therefore, in an interpersonal interaction between two people, they take turns being the source . In the early stages of a romantic relationship, you may have a DTR talk to reduce uncertainty about where you stand by deciding to use the term boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner. Which of the following is NOT a principle of nonverbal communication? I don't know if you're upset with me or if you 1) A single cue has a single meaning; NVCs are ambiguous and they can have a situational context, a nonverbal context, and a verbal context. True False True 9. The process of _____ is transferring emotion from one person to another. True, At which of Hall's distances can you keep someone "at arm's length"? Just as large groups of people create cultures through shared symbols (language), values, and rituals, people in relationships also create cultures at a smaller level. Underline the appositive in each sentence below, and draw an arrow from the appositive to the word or words it identifies or describes. What are verbal messages associated with communicating love? Some additional communicative acts that create our relational cultures include relational storytelling, personal idioms, routines and rituals, and rules and norms. a. Which best describes the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis? Decide whether the underlined words in the following sentences are direct objects or indirect objects. a. lack of interest d. paralanguage. Interpersonal Communication is answer choices between a group of friends with yourself with 2 or more people only with classmates or coworkers Question 18 45 seconds Q. Interpersonal communication can be with anyone. False, Dylan sees Coach Connor as a bully. What distinguishes interpersonal communication in a qualitative approach? it." True False True 8. Name the principles and research associated with self-disclosure? In other words, you prefer a monochronic schedule to a of noise? True or false? communication? 30 seconds. What do scholars call information in this part of the Johari Why? True 4, Standing tall and walking proudly are examples of which category of impression The most efficient way to form a quick judgment about a new person is to form an algebraic impression. 1) Meaningful and significant implications in human life, Name and define the ethical systems of communication in interpersonal communication. This is 2.Slang: meaning is depending on the group or sometimes depending on a region. True or false? Emotional communication refers to a communicator who is actually talking about the experience. 2.Message: is the stimulus or meaning produced by source for the audience/receiver.

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