Community a group of people living in the same general area, share a common background or interest, or have a common history or goal. Prepare to take action by completing a Journey or, if youve already done one and youre a Girl Scout Junior, Cadette, Senior, or Ambassador, get started on your Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award, respectively. They will need to measure their own height, the length of their shadow, and the length of the objects shadow to determine the height. Keep it up. We would love to connect with you on your parenting journey. Planning Cadette Girl Scout Year: Animal Helpers Cadette Badge, Planning Tiger Year: April Tiger Cub Scouts Meetings, Spanish April Activities for Kids from a Dual Language Family, Planning Junior Girl Scout Year: Junior Crane Design Challenge. Planning Your Camping Adventure 30 minutes. We found that Im being framed was a great place to ask the girls to turn their representation into a poem, while sharing who they are. We only recommend products we love to use in our home or products we wish we had found sooner. Pairs well with Junior Scribe Badge. Next, the scouts should check out the music in their life. Learn how to get involved with Girl Scouts. MeetingAgendas_P3_0011921_Junior.xlsx Author: SKeating 4) Juniors uncover different ways they can combine their powers to form an unstoppable team who can accomplish anything. Our girls love the instant recognition; however, we find that more badges are lost this way or never end up on their vests. Leave What You Find leave all plants, rocks, animals, and historical items as you found them. Line up your index finger with the bottom of the sun. Speck with a campsite host to learn about the best ways to protect the locale wildlife while hiking and camping safely. Use page 15 from the Girls Agent of Change handbook or create your own. The girls can either search for the boxes together or individually. Thanks for sharing! Where you prepare food, use the restroom, play, and sleep are all part of your campsite. The 3 notecards are labeled True, False, Wish. En la tarde de hoy, recibimos nuevas imgenes y videos del aparatoso accidente en la autopista Duarte en la entrada de Falconbridge Dominciana "FALCONDO" provincia Monseor Nouel. Pairs well with Junior Digital Photography Badge and Junior Scribe Badge. While your scouts explore the Agent of Change Junior Girl Scout Journey, there are a few key concepts and vocabulary that can be beneficial to explore. Since you are planning to have a bonfire later in the evening, you could skip the knot tying and instead teach the scouts how to build a fire as their new skill. trailer Learn the Leave No Trace Seven Principles. Girls Look at the key or legend to discover landmarks and the scale to determine the length of the hike. 0000005365 00000 n 0000007986 00000 n During your campfire be sure to share girl scout songs, a story about Juliette Gordon Low the founder of Girl Scouts, and share special Girl Scout traditions from the past. This is a great step to include when planning out your activities for your Outdoor Junior Journey. Depending on your available funds or parents willingness to pay for materials, your troop can decide the best way to use their funds. to find out how much you really know about Take Action projects, and start thinking of ways you can make the world a better place. And if you are looking for more Girl Scout leader tips, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter below. When earning the Power of Team award, the scouts will explore how they can use their individual powers with others to create an unstoppable team. Opening Activity 15 minutes: Create a Girl Scout Law flower board. Your scouts will need to work with a partner or small group for this activity. Enter your Name and E-mail to to Get Your FREE Girl Scout Leaders Campsite Guide with all the best questions to ask and a done for you packing list. You can find these in rivers, tree branches, lightning, plants, and clouds. If you plan to use wood from the land, use sticks that have already fallen to the ground and are easy to break with your hands. This would be an assignment that each scout does at home over the course of the next few weeks. The three STEM Journeys released in fall 2018 offer girls the opportunity to Think Like an Engineer, Think Like a Programmer, or Think Like a Citizen Scientist. These help to contain the fire and keep your scouts safe too. As you enjoy a hike or camping in nature, spend some time learning more about the shapes found in nature. Some projects may be able to be completed today, others might need to take place another day. These may include thick fur, wings for migrating, special claws for digging, protection features, etc. Did your girls love the journey as much as ours? To earn the Agent of Change Girl Scout Junior Journey, the girls will need to earn three different awards. Try to find an already established campsite or other flat, durable surface that is likely to stay dry to set up camp. Sign-up to receive our newsletter packed full of tips, tools and freebies with practical solutions for the whole family! Depending on what your girls want to try on their trip, you can add in a few additional badges when planning. Resources for Girl Scout members. We did not pair this with the journey, but instead held this prior to beginning this journey. Each Take Action Project involves the outdoors or educating people about outdoors. Series. The Brownies earned the Home Scientist Badge for their efforts. If its a Take Action project, brainstorm how it might meet the following requirements: 1) it identifies the root cause of a community issue, 2) it works WITH the community, and 3) it has long-term benefits for the community. Leaders strive for success of the entire group by listening to others and taking their advice. Step 4 and 5 look at writing an article and essay. Pick one region where endangered animals live. The first and second step look at exploring how music is made and music from around the world. The girls can place one special trade item inside their geocache box such as a friendship bracelet or SWAP. Juniors earn their Outdoor Journey by completing their three outdoor badges and then doing a "Take Action Project". Support Girl Scouts by donating nationally or to your local council, becoming a lifetime member, and advocating for girls. Next, the girls create a short story, which works well with their Power of Team Comic. How will you ensure you leave no trace in your area? This should include a healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner, dessert, and your own meal, which could include a hiking snack or girl-led recipe. Create a butterfly garden to beautify the campgrounds and provide a safe space for butterflies to rest during their migration. Let the girls make this their own and take turns reading or acting out the story. Keep It Girl-Led: These examples are intended to give a sense of what a Take Action project could look like. While you explore a Girl Scout Journey, there are badges that often pair well with each journey. When setting up your campfire, be sure to have a safe campfire location like a fire ring or fire pit. The choice is really up to your troop and your time restraints. The junior girl scouts will learn about the benefits of teamwork and how to use their own talents to change the world. Use this finder to connect with your local Girl Scout council. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Setup:Review the information below, then practice with the community service and take action project scenarios. <>stream Baby Animal Habitats 10 minutes. Juniors earn the new Eco Camper badge Step Four: When all three badges are complete, girls plan and carry out a Take Action project using the skills they learned, and earn their Take Action Award which shows they earned their Outdoor Journey! On the other hand, many troops prefer for each scout to have their own journey handbook. You are so welcome, Martina. Make a meal plan for your camping trip. Become a Girl Scout Even though the Junior Outdoor Journey is a bit different than the other journeys available, the scouts will still explore a few key concepts and vocabulary on their way to earning the rewards. 525 25 They will explore endangered animals, their habitats and learn more about protecting animal habitats, especially while camping and enjoying the outdoors. Ceremony a special way to celebrate an important event, experience, or feeling. While hiking on these trails, scouts should leave everything they find except garbage. Buying handbooks, badge guides, journey books, and badges can be very costly, so the Volunteer Toolkit is a great free resource. Pairs nicely with Junior Simple Meals Badge. We have found that purchasing one leaders guide and one girls handbook is usually enough for our troop. All Rights Reserved. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Agent of Change journey is no different. 6) Your girls will take action to benefit their community using their individual powers, team powers, and community powers. Some plants and flowers have circular symmetry. Girl Scouts of the USA suggests three ways to make a project sustainable: Make your solution permanent. Thank you Rachel. Learna special skill that might come in handy at camp: knot tying! Deciding on a Take Action Project can be tricky for the girl scouts. Below we include our Junior Girl Scout Agenda for the Outdoor Journey in a Day. The measurement should be taken about 4.5ft from the ground, which is a little shorter than most of your girl scouts. These strengths are their power. Highly Recommended: We find it most helpful to pair badges when we have a month or two to complete a journey. This can include plants budding or losing leaves, animals making nests or migrating, or the clouds in the sky. The blind obstacle course can be a great time to focus on the staying fit badge depending on how the junior girl scouts design their obstacle course. These are great to pair with the Take Action Project or Herstory Trading Cards. This will allow the scouts to follow the leave no trace principles while capturing the beauty of nature. Here at Creatingbutterflies we provide families with practical solutions to real life problems for everything parenting, scouting, dual language, and enjoying time outdoors. The Junior Outdoor Journey pairs nicely with a few Girl Scout Junior badges. Simply enlarge the pattern and fleece material to cover a twin-sized bed and you've got a great gift for kids. Theyre designed to change something for the betterforever. The girls may see this in pineapples, cut open apples or bananas, sunflowers, and pinecones. Saturday Afternoon work on other Junior Girl Scout Badge requirements for any additional badges you would like to earn, Saturday Evening prepare dinner, create a campfire, enjoy campfire songs, stories, and dessert, Sunday Morning prepare breakfast, break down camp and get ready to go home, Sunday Morning finish any badge requirements that your troop would like to finalize to earn. Then take some time to clean up the area. So we have usually opted for certificates to show the progress after each step and presentation of badges at the end of the journey. Mom is an educator and dad is a firefighter/paramedic. Join a troop, find events, become a volunteer, or discover alum opportunities. The Junior Girl Scout Agent of Change Journey is part of the Its Your World Change It! febrero 28, 2023. We are a family of 6 with 4 wonderful becoming bilingual children who loves scouting, camping, and hiking with their family. Often times people forget when we set up camp that we are intruding on the local wildlife around us. Head out on your trip and have some nighttime fun! In todays world, this can be done in person, via a zoom meeting, or even at a studio. We did not complete this at this meeting, but instead planned a different time to explore this option. Each shape or form is unique Enjoy a Campfire any amount of time desired. Take a picture instead. Earn the new Outdoor Journey for Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadette, Seniors and Ambassadors by implementing these outdoor badges in order with the final step being a TAKE ACTION Project. 0 Your troop can decide how they want to celebrate their progress and completion of the journey. The girls will begin to connect power, leadership and teamwork to the traits of the Girl Scout Law. Now you can focus on making the world a better place through your Take Action project, Bronze Award, Silver Award, or Gold Award. If your girls can handle a full day of Girl Scouts, you may plan to start early in the morning and continue through the afternoon to include the entire Take Action Project or additional badge work. Many animals have bilateral symmetry. JUNIOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS CHECKLIST YES, I WANT TO HELP THE JUNIORS SUCCEED. About Girl Scout Cookies. Take some time to explore different size backpacks or suitcases that your girls might bring. This can pair well with the Power of One as we keep our Power Log throughout the day or even the blind obstacle course because they girls may feel stress about being blind folded. Then discuss how to care for someone who is more mildly sick with issues such as the flu, cold, or fever. Girl Scout Take Action projects address an issue by tackling the factors that cause or contribute to it. Girl Scout Cookie Flavors, About Girl Scout Cookies This pairs nicely with the Conservation Hike if you plan your hike where geocaches are available or ask each scout to create and hide one. These projects strive to make the world a better place for more people for a much longer time. Take Action projects are at the heart of all Journeys, but they're different from the community service projects that Girl Scouts may have doneand you'll want to understand those differences before planning a Take Action project. See more ideas about fun science, science projects, alternative energy. Series includes the Daisy Journey Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden and the Brownie Journey Brownie Quest. To earn this Junior Girl Scout Badge, simply plan and prepare for your hike, gather all your gear, set your goal, and then go on your hike. Your girl scouts will learn so much more about their environment and ways to enjoy the outdoors in a safe manner. For Girl Scouts We had so much fun that we planned a few more journey in a day agendas for our troop. During hikes and other active activities, they will want 2 cups per hour. Pairs nicely with Junior Simple Meals Badge. Explore your surroundings by looking for examples of symmetry, including bilateral symmetry which means the two halves are the same on both sides. 0000007372 00000 n The square knot is great for joining two different ropes that are the same thickness, while a clove hitch helps to fasten a rope to a tree or post.

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